Website Marketing: More Quality Leads by Learning Advanced Online & SEO Topics

This advanced educational series is a continuation from the Learning the SEO Basics for a Contractor Website.  It will be assumed you already know about search results including a Title Tag, a web page address (url), Meta Descriptions and Image Alt Text Descriptions, etc.  Please take the Basic Class first before jumping to Advanced topics.

In approximately 5 Hours of focused time you can change so much about how you look at your own website, other competitive websites and decide for yourself whether you can do a lot on your own, or use a hired programmer, or hire a marketing firm - but at least you will understand what everyone is talking about.

Don't have a straight 5 Hours to spare?  Don't worry, the class has been broken up into very quick topic reviews so you can go in for 5 to 15 minutes to focus on a topic, log out, and come back in again to continue to the next topic. 

Your access is for one month so you will have plenty of time to cover the course material. 

Your advantage is the VAST majority of contractors do not have a website.  And, even worse, the ones who do have a website don't know how to be found by the search engines.  

So many Lead Generation, Marketing and Advertising firms realize contractors will spend all sorts of money trying different things in the pursuit of a fast lead - but the right thing to do is position for Free Quality Leads directly to your contractor website over time.

It takes just a little time to learn what it takes to have a website found by search engines and making the appropriate adjustments.

Want to create your own website that generates leads?

Or maybe you wish to better be in sync with your programmer or marketing company?

How about just competing better with the many Lead Generation companies?

The best thing about being a contractor is so much of your content can be unique based on jobs you do.   Everyone will battle for you to load your testimonials, pictures, videos, etc., onto their site in order to enhance your profile, but you should be aware how all that information is going to be used, which may or may not drive traffic to your website.

We have created more individual webinars than we care to count.  Our videos have over 70,000 views. 

We have worked with hundreds of individual clients and tracked their progress over as little as four months and up to a year.  We took the best of what works for a contractor and organized the material in a very straight forward way where in about 5 hours you can methodically learn and use many advanced SEO (Search Engine Optimization) principles to ensure you are generating leads to your own website.

Not only is it cost effective, but you save valuable marketing time and get more quality leads quicker.  Just give us five hours of your time over the next day, weeks or month !!!



50% Complete

Two Step

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